
Startup Grind深圳 X Lair East 东方创客:纽约-深圳创业交流会暨仲夏大派对~~~

2018年7月22日 16:00 ~ 2018年7月22日 19:00









    7月22日!位于纽约曼哈顿的加速器东方创客(Lair East)带领七支顶尖北美创业团队和著名投资人来到Startup Grind深圳,和深圳的创新力量交流分享~~~~

    这些团队成员的背景来自斯坦福大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、杜克大学、英国石油公司、AT&T Bell实验室、剑桥大学、哈佛创新实验室等顶尖研发和商业机构,项目领域涉及:实时建筑信息建模、机器学习、航天数据收集及分析、现代蜂窝网络、现代电力联产系统、区块链社交媒体等时下最火热和具前景的科技领域。

    参与本次圆桌环节的嘉宾极具实力,他们来自TechStars, 马克扎克伯格的FWD.us,哈佛创投、NYC Innovation Collective,Startup Institute,Girls Inc.,和Venture for America 等。

    On July 22nd, Lair East, based in Manhattan, NY, will be leading seven top-notch startups from North American and prominent investors and innovators to join Startup Grind Shenzhen, sharing and connecting with all the innovative powerheads in Shenzhen!!

    The backgrounds of these startups include Stanford University, UPenn, Duke University, British Petroleum, AT&T Bell Lab, Cambridge University, Harvard Innovation Lab and other eminent research and business institutes. And their projects range from real-time architecture information modeling, machine learning, aerospace data collection & analysis, modern beehive network, smart CHP system, blockchain social network and other hottest and most promising tech areas. 

    The mentors that form our panels for this event are also the leading figures, their backgrounds come from TechStars, Mark Zuckerberg's FWD.us, Harvard Ventures, NYC Innovation Collective, Startup Institute, Girls Inc., Venture for American and so on. 

    Join us!!!


    Part 1: Pitch Session 

    Startups: AVVIR, Dataspine, Eyefly USA, Stream Loading, MicroEra Power, Strayos, Hellofriend. 

    第二部分:圆桌1 全球加速器发展趋势、模式及关键作用

    Part 2: Panel 1--Trends in the Development of Global Accelerators, Models and Key Impact

    嘉宾/Panelists:John Lynn (The Studio Project)、Galina Ozgur (Grand Central Tech)

    主持/Moderator:Michael Zhu (Lair East)

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    John Lynn

    The Studio Project 企业创新孵化器联合创始人



    John Lynn是纽约科技界的创新者和绝对的领导者,多次接受福布斯,纳斯达克等主流媒体的专题采访,曾任职于世界顶尖孵化器Techstars,并主导了Techstars纽约孵化器项目的启动,为Techstars募集到1.5亿美金作为孵化期基金,并投资全球创新项目。目前John Lynn担任多家全球顶尖孵化器及加速器的创业导师,其中包括Facebook创始人扎克伯格的FWD.US,法国NUMA加速器等。John Lynn主导创建了纽约创新联盟(NYC Innovation Collective),整合全球超过80家垂直行业孵化器,加速器,旨在于搭建全球最大的加速器网络平台,驱动全球创新。

    John is a connector, innovator, and leader in the NYC tech community. Prior to founding the Studio Project, John developed expertise in accelerator programming via his experiences at TechStars and Startup Institute. John sits on the selection committee for Paris-based NUMA accelerator network and Parallel 18 accelerator, council seats at Sheworx, Mark Zuckerberg's FWD.us NYC chapter, and New York Cares. John also co-founded the Innovation Collective.

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    Galina Ozgur

    Grand Central Tech 总经理


    Galina Ozgur是专业国际孵化器及创业生态系统运营专家。曾任世界顶尖加速器Grand Central Tech(GCT)CEO,纽约新女性委员会领导人,美东加速器联盟执委会成员,精通6国语言。Galina任Grand Central Tech(GCT)CEO期间,主要为全球创业公司转型提供关键资源并帮助其实现规模化。她是GCT的招牌加速期项目的总负责人,并为GCT负责各类项目、建立合作、尽职调查以及人脉。自加入GCT开始,格琳娜重塑了GCT和创业者的合作,创造了一系列模块化课程,并策划了拥有 100多位全球顶尖专家的GCT创业导师计划。作为项目选拔委员会成员,她审阅超过2000份的申请,尽职调查了数百家创业公司,并且她作为GCT的CEO成为了 Accelerator Awesome美东加速器峰会联盟执委会成员。格琳娜Galina还领导着著名非营利组织纽约新女性委员会,积极帮助新移民妇女重新融入职场。

    Until recently, Galina was the General Manager at Grand Central Tech - New York's premier venture platform that provides a wide array of critical resources for transformational startups to achieve scale. Broadly, her responsibilities have touched program, partnerships, due diligence, people & network. She has specifically been focused on the GCT flagship annual accelerator program and was brought on the team 2.5 years ago to chart the course of the curriculum. 

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    Jerry 权泉


    General Manager of Ping An Fintech Accelerator

    现任平安金融+科技加速器总经理。曾任美国RocketSpace科技加速器中国区CEO; 华润润加速创业加速器常务副总经理。新加坡教育部全额奖学金得主。新加坡国立大学计算机工程本科。新加坡南洋理工大学国际政治经济硕士。在新加坡技术教育学院任职IT讲师多年后,赴日本早稻田大学攻读国际关系博士课程。在日期间历任日本国会参议员广中和歌子英文秘书,日本管理咨询大师大前研一大学课程助教。后博士课程中退创业。

    Jerry is currently the General Manager of Ping An Fintech Accelerator. Previously he was the CEO of RocketSpace Tech accelerator in China, and the VICE GM of HuaRun Run Accelerator. Jerry holds a B.A. in Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore with a full scholarship from the Ministry of Education of Singapore, and M.A. IN International Politics and Economics from the Nanyang Technological University. After years of being an IT instructor at the Singapore Technology Education Academy, Jerry went on to study Ph.D. program in International Relations at Waseda University in Japan. During the study, he worked for Wakako Hironaka at the Diet of Japan as a secretary, and also as a TA for the master in management consulting Kenichi Ohmae. Later Jerry left his Ph.D. program and became an entrepreneur. 


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    CEO & Co-founder of 东方创客 Lair East 

    朱勇先生是纽约东方创客加速器CEO及联合创始人。长期从事风险投资,专注于投资北美领先的成长型软件和互联网公司及文娱科技相关创业公司等。曾参与投资多项北美明星项目。其中包括Boom超音速飞机,Zenefits,Clover Health等。拥有纽约佩斯大学投资管理学硕士。担任纽约华人创业家协会特约顾问,哈佛大学风险投资基金创业导师,纽约创新联盟董事会成员,并担任多家北美创业公司董事会成员,Hollywood Brand早期投资人及董事会成员,多次受邀哈佛大学,北京大学等发表主题演讲,并2016年被《名都季刊》评选为50位美东地区优秀创业家之一。

    Michael Zhu is CEO and Co-founder of Lair East, which is the first “Tech & Culture” themed collaborative co-working space and global entrepreneur communities on the East Coast connecting work, leisure, and knowledge for the community of global professionals and entrepreneurs in the business of disrupting technology and shaping cross border communications. Michael initiated the first cross border corporate innovation accelerator program with most well-known innovation hubs and organizations on East Coast including Harvard I-Lab, NYC Innovation Collectives, ERA, NUMA etc. to help startups in US with frontier technology expand into Asia and providing cross-border business intelligence with corporate innovation programs and investment funding.

    第三部分:圆桌2 大企业与创新企业的协同作用

    Part 3: Panel 2--Synergy between Corporates and Innovative Startups

    嘉宾/Panelists:Shaun Johnson (NYC Innovation Collective)

    主持/Moderator:Raymond Ngai (Angel Investor & HK Jockey Club) 

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    Shaun Johnson

    Startup Institute 联合创始人;世界银行XL Africa泛非创业项目总顾问


    作为北美著名创新学院(Startup Institute)的联合创始人,Shaun Johnson拥有丰富的加速器,孵化器管理及专业的运营培训经验。此前Shaun Johnson任职于Booz Allen咨询公司及世界顶尖孵化器Techstars,并分管其在波士顿的孵化项目。后创办企业创新加速器并服务于全球世界500强企业,如福布斯,Verizon,SAP等并通过加速器的模式结合企业,机构,院校进行企业的产业升级及科技创新。Shaun拥有乔治敦大学计算机科学和社会学学士学位,及霍普金斯大学信息系统的硕士学位。

    Shaun Johnson is a technologist, early adopter, and helper of people. Shaun serves as an operating adviser to XL Africa, a pan-African startup investment initiative led by The World Bank, as well as a founding board member of NYC Innovation Collective, a nonprofit with the mission of strengthening the innovation ecosystem through increased collaboration, transparency and access in the new economy. He is also a partner at Studio Project, a collaborative acceleration lab bringing top organizations together to build and further frontier technology alongside startups.

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    倪卫民(Raymond Ngai)



    倪卫民先生是前香港马会高级管理合伙人,负责主管香港马会咨询技术架构及营运服务平台。Raymond是香港科技大学的高级顾问讲师和香港医管局资讯科技顾问委员会委员,同时也是一名天使投资人。曾任加大拿Nortel Networks (北电网络),美国Compaq Computer (康柏电脳)和Digital Equipment Corp (迪吉多计算机)在亚洲的销售和业务主管,他在IT、管理、制定投资和技术战略方面拥有超过24年的经验,目前在从事中美跨境孵化,技术应用,和推动对社会有价值和影响力的早期投资工作。他曾获得美国加州大学工程硕士及香港科技大学MBA学位。

    Mr. Raymond Ngai was former Head of IT Infrastructure responsible for managing and developing the Club's IT infrastructure in the areas of hardware platform, network, storages, web infrastructure, network security, systems software and desktop services to support the Club's mission to deliver world-class horseracing and betting services to the Hong Kong public.

    第四部分:圆桌3 打造具有国际影响力的创业者社区

    Part 4: Panel 3--Building Startup Community with Global Impact 

    嘉宾/Panelists:Philip Delvecchi o (VentureOut)

    主持/Moderator:Grace Zhang (Startup Grind Shenzhen)

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    Philip Delvecchio

    VentureOut 项目主管


    Philip Delvecchio是一位资深的加速器运营及项目专家。目前作为项目主管任职于VentureOut国际加速器,Philip主导并打造了VentureOut国际化的加速器项目,并帮助来自世界各国的项目团队在纽约开拓市场,落地运营。他曾辅导过全球超过200家创业公司,并管理运营了30个国际加速器项目。Philip曾任职于微软,并在台湾生活工作两年,专注于教育、国际关系和技术发展。

    Philip is an Accelerator Operations Expert. His most recent experience was as the Director at VentureOut, the most active international post-seed accelerator in NYC helping startups grow and scale their business. During this time, he advised over 200 startups, ran 30 accelerator programs, and spearheaded a massive efficiency growth for VentureOut’s primary operations. Phil has recently left VentureOut to focus on establishing and strengthening collaboration channels between China and NYC's tech ecosystems.

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    Gary Lam

    Founder & CEO of ASIA CEO Community Limited

    Gary Lam 是 ASIA CEO Community Limited的创始人和CEO。他在2016年底创办了ASIA CEO Community,如今该社区已有8500+的 C-level成员在亚洲。Gary有超过14年的销售和商务开拓的经验。在创建 ASIA CEO Community之前,他曾经在 Thomson Reuters, Western Union business Solution,  Deuteche Bank, 和 FXCM 工作。

    Gary Lam is the founder and CEO of ASIA CEO Community Limited. He started ASIA CEO Community in late 2016. The community now has more than 8,500+ CxOs members in ASIA. Gary has more than 14 years of sales and business development experiences. Before starting ASIA CEO Community, he worked at Thomson Reuters, Western Union business Solution,  Deuteche Bank, and FXCM. 

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    Grace Zhang

    Startup Grind Shenzhen Director 负责人

    Grace 积极的推动深圳的社区发展和国际化,她致力于打造以价值观为驱动力的高质量社区,超过四年的国际品牌社区运营经验,目前正在带领谷歌旗下创业者社区Startup Grind成为深圳的头部社区品牌。中戏电影制片本科、美国Indiana University Bloomington媒介管理硕士毕业,曾任芝加哥双语科技记者,全职为某能源国企担任市场策划和品牌管理。

    Grace is the propeller of community building in Shenzhen and promotion of its global impact. She has combined experience in startup community building and branding for over four years, focusing on building high-quality, value-driven communities in Shenzhen. Now she's leading Startup Grind, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, to become the top community brand in Shenzhen. She holds a BA degree in film production from Central Academy of Drama, and MS in Media Management from Indiana University Bloomington. She was a former Chicago-based bilingual tech reporter and now a marketing specialist at a state-owned energy corporate.

    关于协办方| About Co-organizers

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    纽约东方创客Lair East总部位于纽约曼哈顿,作为美国东部第一家以“科技+文化”为主题的创业社区,东方创客长期致力于结合其强大的投资资源、创业社群资源及文娱产业资源帮助中美创业公司成长,并打造一个集联合办公空间,创业投资网络创业,孵化器和加速器及中美文娱创业的综合性跨境创新创业生态圈。

    Lair East is a New York-based community that helps startups grow by focusing on tech and culture and leveraging investment and networking resources. Between China and the United States, we grow a powerful and collective ecosystem that consists of an international community for entrepreneurs, co-working spaces, investment supports, accelerator programs, and a bridge for China-US culture exchange. We believe in "Build Local, Think Global" and dedicate to help entrepreneurs and startups to achieve their goals and make real impacts on the world around them.

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    中美跨境的领先创投机构,经过三年厚积薄发,针对中国经济转型、产业升级需求,Accathon Capital倾力打造了“跨境产业创新加速器”商业模式,并依托北美顶尖创投资源,发挥区域产业优势,打造国际创新产业集群。

    活动信息 | Event Info




    Time: July 22 (Sun), 4:00PM-7:00PM

    Address:  A 208 Tech Temple, China University of Geosciences, 8 Yuexing 3rd Rd, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (Keyuan Metro Station, Exit D) 

    Language: English for interview, English and Chinese for networking sessions

    活动安排 | Agenda

    4:00 pm-4:30 pm 签到 Sign-in

    4:30 pm-4:45 pm 茶歇和开场介绍 Welcome Drink & Mingle & Opening Intro

    4:45 pm-5:20 pm 北美项目路演 Pitch Session

    5:20 pm-5:35 pm 圆桌一:全球加速器发展趋势、模式及关键作用

    5:35 pm-5:45 pm 茶歇 Tea Break

    5:45 pm-6:00 pm 圆桌二:大企业和创新公司

    6:00 pm-6:15 pm 圆桌三:打造具有国际影响力的创业者社区

    6:15 pm-7:00 pm 社交环节 Networking

    费用 | Fees

    早鸟票:35 元 Early-bird: 35 RMB(早鸟票7月18日停卖 early bird tickets stop on July 18th)

    晚鸟票:50 元 Late-bird: 50 RMB

    空降票:70 元 At the door: 70 RMB

    该票价含现场小食、饮料等茶歇费用。This price includes pizzas, drinks and other snacks. 

    *If you are having trouble RSVPing at this page, please email:geng@startupgrind.com

    活动咨询群 Event Wechat Group:


    活动主办方 | Organizer 


    联合主办方 | Co-organizer

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    特约合作 | Special Partnership



    战略及社区合作 | Partnerships



    Google AdWords深圳体验中心





    Grace Zhang, Shenzhen Chapter Director


    Live, Laugh, Love.

    张耕(Grace)是一名活跃在深港科创社区推动者。她致力于联系志趣相同的小伙伴,推动企业家精神以及创造一些什么。中戏电影制片本科、美国Indiana University Bloomington媒介管理硕士毕业,曾任芝加哥双语科技记者,全职为深圳能源市场策划和品牌管理。在业余时间,她组织创业、互联网、IT相关活动,关注内容创业,并加入了一档博客节目 China Business Cast

    Email:geng@startupgrind.com 微信:27246054 (注明身份,来自活动行)

    Grace is an active participant in the Shenzhen-HK startup community. She contributes to the community by connecting like-minded people, promoting entreprenuerial values and doing her best to make something happen. She was once a film student in Beijing and the U.S., Chicago-based biligual tech reporter and now a marketing specialist at Shenzhen Energy. In her spare time, she organizes IT, Internet and startup related events, highly passioante about content product and has joined a podcast team called China Business CastPlease contact her at geng@startupgrind.com or add her on wechat: 27246054

    深圳地区联合总监,Jan Smejkal

    Shenzhen Chapter Co-Director,Startup Grind APEC Community Manager


    Entrepreneur from the Czech Republic currently on a life's mission in Shenzhen, China. His experience includes building a branch of global startup, running the international trade company and being part of the Hult Prize Foundation that strives to change the world by bringing together the brightest students from all around the globe. He is passionate about startups and using the Startup Grind's amazing platform he shares his expertise and network to help, connect and educate members of the startup community. 

    Email: smejkal.jn@gmail.com



    Google is committed to empowering entrepreneurs around the world through programs, partnerships, and our products.


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    关于Startup Grind

    Startup Grind是一个全球性的科技创业社区,由谷歌供能,致力于帮助企业家们相互学习、相互启发和资源交换。我们在超过200个城市,85个国家举办活动,每个 月我们都会邀请到当地最牛的企业创始人、创新者、教育者和投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创建公司的道路上所得到的经 验和教训。 

    我们每月的炉边访谈、社交活动和年度会议都为大家提供了充足的机会,将那些优秀的初创公司和推动这些公司发展的人们联系在一起,开拓强大的支持网 络,建成有意义的关系网和获得未来创业之路的灵感,所有的访谈视频都会上传至Youtube成为世界各地创业者的参考。想要了解更多信息,请访问 www.startupgrind.com  或者扫描以下二维码在微信上关注我们(微信号Startupgrind)


    What is Startup Grind?

    Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. We host monthly events in more than 200 cities and 85 countries featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Our monthly fireside chat interviews, startup mixers and annual conferences provide ample opportunities to connect with amazing startups and the people behind them, tap into a strong support network, form meaningful connections and gain inspiration for the startup journey ahead. For more information visit StartupGrind.com or follow us on twitter @StartupGrind.



    Part of our Past Speakers:


    In Shenzhen:

    Laurent Le Pen,第一个在Kickstarter上筹集到1百万美元的深圳地区创业者

    Laurent Le Pen, first Shenzhener who raised 1 million on his kickstarter project omate.com

    Allison Baum, HK director of General Assembly

    Cyril Ebersweiler, (全球最大智能硬件孵化器HAXLR8R Network,SOSventure创始人)

    Cyril Ebersweiler (AXLR8R Network, SOSventures)

    Martin Li,Uber的环球开启者. Dexter Lu, 快递打车CEO

    Martin Li, Globale Launcher of Uber. Dexter Lu, CEO of Kuaididache (快的打车, Biggest car calling app company in China)


    Lie Guo, founder of FaceQ , the hottest cartoon headshot app.





    CEO of Seeed Studio,柴火创客空间和深圳Maker Faire




    Co-Founder of Linkedin, GreyLock Partners , investor of facebook.

    投资过Airbnb,Facebook, Foursquare, Jawbone, Coinbase, Pinterest, and Zulily

    Invested in  Airbnb, Facebook, Foursquare, Jawbone, Coinbase, Pinterest, and Zulily

    全球第一孵化器Y Combinator合伙人







    “One might think of it as an entrepreneurial Elk’s Club or a national, self-sustaining of local affiliate networks … a la Fight Club.”


    “Aimed at creating relationships among entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, angel investors, incubators or just people looking for good ideas.”



    - 进入官网查看更多See more at: http://startupgrind.com/shenzhen




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    Startup Grind创业磨坊深圳

    Startup Grind创业磨坊深圳

    创业磨坊 (www.startupgrind.com)是一个全球性的旨在教育,激励,和链接企业家们的社区,本机构为谷歌的官方合作伙伴。我们每个月在全世界120个国家600个城市组织活动,采访本地的企业创始人,创新者,教育者及投资人,他们会和本地的创业社区分享他们的个人旅程以及建造伟大公司路上的经验教训。



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